Career & Goal Mapping
Not sure what the next step is for your business or career?
Service Description
This career and biz tarot reading will give you direction when you’re a little lost and ready for advice. -Get your vision and next steps. -Find your motivation - Re-align with your creativity, management and talents. - Aim your efforts where you can get the greatest results. Whether you’re looking for some guidance or creative ideas to help you on your way, this reading will give you the energy you need to know what to do and how to do it. Discover how to move past the fogginess that could be self- sabotage. We will explore your aims and how to prepare for the next project. Locate your positivity, ideas and mojo. Get solid practical steps to get you moving again!

Cancellation Policy
Cancellations are accepted and refunded only up to 24 hours prior to your appointment. Just send me an email via the CONTACT page, to let me know you need to cancel, and I will immediatel refund your payment. With Love and Light, Amy
Contact Details
1(619) 362 5253