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Trust your Intuitive Energy

Trust in your creative mind!

Trust is an action, a feeling and a vibration. Too often we are so amazed at what intuition is saying, that we wonder if we got it right.

Inspiration to heal our lives, or to reach for solutions and new ground, comes with a price. We have to trust in ourselves and take a step forward on our own true path.

Which is really scary!! and makes us want to hide in our smaller, safer options. Like sticking with what you've been doing. Avoiding new ideas or creative approaches. Eating more cookies. Or the big one: doing what other people think is best for us, and so doing, give over our authenticity to imagined authorities, who are supposed to know better.

But here in the land of the hustle, people are losing power and meaning in their lives

by forgetting about the basic requirement of intuition:

You have to trust in yourself, and create your life with both action and energy. Otherwise, you will spend precious lifetime without discovering and experiencing what you want and who you are.

Step One: In order to know who you really are, you gotta listen.

Breathe deep. Let the feelings and tension around you melt away. Take 5 minutes to calm and soothe your mind by breathing. Feel your heart space. Get centered there.

Step Two: Tune into the area that isn't working. It can be any area: your happiness, relationships, career, health. Ask yourself: What does my intuition want me to do? Go with the positives! Let go of stressful, negative behaviors. Get into being more creative and have fun with your life. People who have fun and enjoy what they are doing are less likely to lead a double life of secrets, addictions and sadness.

Your intuition always knows what to do. Sometimes, you have to just show up and be present.

Stay open. Observe. Wait for your intuition to guide you. Maybe someone could use your help, or something needs to get done that you have been putting off. Sometimes you have to make a decision, and sometimes you have to take action. Trust is an action.

Your intuition knows the way and will give you the energy boost you need in the right direction.

Listen and follow through. Ok, you might be thinking, OK, How do I do that?

To trusting in yourself means looking for practical solutions. Do- able things that will establish momentum, even small steps can be OK! By focusing on what is do-able, you can build a strong base for building and trusting your intuition. The more you manage and use your intuitive information, the faster and more natural it will become in any situation. This is a huge topic- just think about how much you have fed your fearful mind by refusing to listen to your best intentions.

Step Three: Follow through with your best solution. Put it on the agenda for today. You build energy and confidence by listening to your authentic self, and responding in the right direction.

The more you follow through and trust in your intuition, the stronger it will become. You will know clearly when to let go of bad situations, poor choices and actions that build more negative karma.

I found my own intuition lifting me up in ways I could not have done before. With inner truth comes beauty, kindness and good fortune. I learned to avoid people and places that were bad for me, it sounds simple, but in fact its a very sophisticated moment to moment clarity. I learned to be present for my heart and soul. Trust to go from strength to strength.

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