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Express your Love- This Week's Love Prediction

Go ahead and make a romantic gesture!

Are you shy about taking the initiative in your love life?

I am too!

It's either the timing's wrong, or I have too little energy, or I am just fearing looking foolish. So many things can get in the way of showing how much I feel, like having a totally different way of having fun than he does, and not being able to communicate my thoughts with confidence. And before I know it, the chance is gone, the moment has passed. No guts, no glory.

This week's prediction urges you to take the initiative in your love life.

That may mean contacting someone to whom you're attracted to and asking that person out on a date. It could also mean sending texts, gifts, flowers to your beloved. Being loving and brave is very sexy.

As you express romance, the vibration of love pours though you. You actually become the biggest beneficiary of your romantic energy and nuance, as you can immediately enjoy how you feel to give expression to a part of yourself that often gets squelched. You may notice a floating sensation as the 2nd chakra opens up, and frees your energy up tremendously when you take the time to give it your full attention in a fresh and playful way.

The more you give love, the more you experience it in all areas of your life. Law of Attraction. Of course, do make sure you are open to receiving love from other sources, The World, People and Spirit.

Just for fun, I'm making a short list of romantic gestures to inspire me this week!

- Walk on the beach together all dressed up, go for ice cream after.

- Make plans for a fun date, plan to bring flowers and wine.

- Do something out of the ordinary, like camping or bowling.

- Send him a text of "3 things I love about you"

- Be fully present. Get softly connected from the heart. Light candles.

- Compliment him.

- Arrange your chairs to sit next to each other, rather than across from each other.

- Whisper in his ear.

- Smell amazing. Look casual.

Ok good luck! I get lots of love readings with sensitive people who struggle with taking the initiative in their love life. If you would like a SOUL LOVE READING, we can look at how you magnetize and radiate love in your live. Booking Online is easy!

xox Amy

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