Do You Wish You Could Trust Your Intuition?

Trust your intuition!
That's something we kinda
all the time,
but even if we know
this might be good idea,
and we hope
that we know what we're doing...
We don’t always know what our intuition is telling us to do!
On its own, “ Trust your intuition” can be very confusing when you don’t know what the heck intuition is.
And so many times people will say listen to your intuition and what they mean is go with the flow, or just do what you always do.
But that’s not intuition, either...
Sometimes we really need to hear our intuition_ to navigate important changes in our lives. And that means being active, taking initiative and leading the way.
Deciding what direction to go in, making big decisions with big consequences.
... that requires so much more than just going with the flow!
So in order to help you to start recognizing and strengthening your intuition you must start from the basics, and that is:
Don’t just go with whatever, take action starting with what feels right to you now.
So what does that mean?
Not everything you’re feeling and thinking is your intuition!
We need to discover our intuition by taking action on it.
I teach in my groups that in order to get to know your intuition you need to keep an open mind, reach for your highest insights and take a few chances.
Taking a step towards what feels right for you in this moment, and moving in the direction of your highest good.
Trust also about having faith.
Having faith in yourself to follow your highest good by taking a step now - even if you’re not sure how it will pan out later on.
Here are a few tips that can actually help you strengthen your intuition to live a more intuitive life.
Step 1
Start with little steps
Sometimes we are faced with big decisions in our life that have far-reaching consequences. This can feel very overwhelming especially if we think we have to make the “right' decision for the long-term right now.
But by taking little steps and testing them out one step at a time,
we can start to approach change as if going on a journey.
We navigate toward that destination, but may need to take a few turns along the way.
Going one little intuitive step at a time is very powerful.
It gives us permission to do just the next thing without fearing that were making a huge mistake. Oh, and by little sometimes that means tiny. Like doing more research and checking things out more before the next thing.
Trust is that step, you take it and see what happens!
We all know that without action, we become too passive.
Afraid to take risks in life. There’s so many opportunities we say not to because we’re afraid.
There’s so many ways that our fear talks us out of living our lives to the fullest.
Think about how many amazing experiences would never have happened in your life, if you didn’t dare to take those first little steps.
Step 2
It's okay to be a beginner
We we are often so afraid of looking foolish that we don’t dare to trust our instincts.
So Afraid Of Making A Mistake
But if we are always trying to be great at what we do...
Who will ever take a chance on new feelings, new challenges and new goals?
Dare to fail... get back up again better next time!
My #1 advice for developing your intuition is: relax your body.
Settle down, and keep an open mind and stay in the present moment.
Just let those worries go for a minute, and be curious about what can be discovered right now.
Even if you are going with a totally new direction with your life, you can learn to trust yourself in the present moment.
Sometimes all we need to do to learn something new is show up and see what happens.
Intuition is not about controlling your destiny - It’s about becoming more spontaneous and centered in the present moment.
Step 3
Remember you don’t have to be perfect.
It’s true that by using intuition we make better decisions.
We find our inner clarity.
We start to experience the magic of life.
So to get there, Do it imperfectly.
Daring to get it wrong.
Have the courage to keep trying and learn from the experience.
Don’t get caught in the Trap of Perfectionism, or you’ll never find your inuitive voice that sometimes has very unexpected and original ideas.
The problem with perfectionism is that it forces us to abandon our creativity.
We model our behavior after the way other people act, or the way we think it should be done...
and that can lead to losing yourself completely,
or living someone else’s idea of a perfect life.
Some of the problems that arise from not listening to our intuition are...
Losing your way in life
Loss of self-authority
Prizing other people’s opinions over yours
Trying too hard all the time
Feeling guilty about taking care of your own needs.
Forgetting to make your dreams come true
Becoming overly dependent external circumstances
Most importantly, is that if you are trying to be all perfect
and always doing things “by the book", you lose the opportunity
to explore your originality and expand your own potential.
Intuition connects you to the wonder and magic of life.
So one intuitive step at a time, build that trust and connection with yourself.
Try this:
Come into the present moment.
Take a moment to listen to your inner guidance.
Relax and get centered in your body.
Picture yourself in a situation that you have been struggling to make a decision with recently.
Ask yourself, “What do I really want to do here?” and, “What action can I take to support myself while taking the next step? And, What's working so far, and how can I build on that energy?"

If you have a decision on your mind
and would like a big boost of intuitive insights,
Come on over and check-out my expert aura and tarot readings.
In light and love,
Amy xo