Self Worth: A Gift To Your Future Self

Even the most beautiful people in the world can suffer from low self-worth, and low self-esteem.
Movie stars, models, lovers and high-achievers, maybe you do too?
Your self-worth is about how you value yourself, and shows up in how you take care of your own health, wealth and happiness. Very important for creating a life of success based on your own values and requirements for feeling fulfilled.
The more you value who you are right now, the better you are at receiving love and showing your love in generous ways in the world, especially with the people you love.
Negative Self Worth
Maybe you don’t feel you deserve the goodness of life. For example, maybe you someone wants to help you and show you some gratitude, but you feel awkward, obliged, or guilty for receiving that energy from them.
Maybe you don’t feel good enough, which is often a vague haunting feeling that can come from our old stories and are rooted in past experiences.
Maybe you tell yourself you’ll never be happy, or find love, or be worthy of success. Such a hard road to travel!
These beliefs can cause a lot of fear around taking chances and can create very negative self-sabotaging prophecies.
You may have had an authentic desire for success and love, but unconsciously are telling yourself you’ve always failed to create the love you’ve dreamed of, and cannot change that no matter what you try.
Positive Ego
The Ego gets a bad wrap most of the time. But there is such thing as positive ego.
You can choose to take healthy steps by valuing yourself, and accepting yourself in a positive way.
Being vulnerable and having limitations does not make you a failure.
You can choose to embrace new beginnings and give yourself the safe feelings you crave that will enable you to take on life's challenges. Start by creating a nourishing environment for yourself to exist. See problems as challenges, instead of obstacles. You can switch from self-criticism to self-healing attitudes.
Start Creating Your Success From the Inside -Out
Here are 5 ways:
Don’t hide your feelings or put yourself down. Take a deep breath and allow things to be messy before you find order and harmony. Find peace in the storm.
Do something that shows you value your goals and dreams.
Let go of self-judgment and look for ways to get really creative solutions.
Give yourself a gift that feels luxurious and enjoy it fully.
Acknowledge how far you’ve come and all the good people who want you to be happy.
How do you react when you think about your self-worth?
Developing a self-supporting attitude and allowing your own success means being patient and imperfect, and that’s ok. You will learn by making mistakes. The more you allow yourself to feel the preciousness of your life, the more you’ll start to feel a healthier and more sustainable kind of success.

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Amy Norman-Foster