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Being Centered

In the fiery days of summer, it’s easy to get drained and exhausted and diffused in our energy.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, over booked and unable to find the inner peace, stability and wholeness we crave.

By getting grounded and centered in our whole being we unify our heart, mind and body to be in one place.

When we are in-sync and harmonious in our whole being, we act from our strong core, and regain our confidence and equlibrium.

If you have been feeling overwhelmed, depressed or distressed, you may need to take time to get really centered and present and call in your energies. By pulling in and centering our energetic core, we can clear away the fog and bewilderment that being spread too thin can bring.

Getting centered in your physical body is the most accessible and immediate way to find your core.

Although your spirit is always present, your awareness of these more subtle energies is easily muffled and pulled off center by busy everyday life.

The body is what anchors us to the present moment and location. It is where we live and breathe.

It is where are wisdom and intuition are accessed.

Yoga and other forms of intense mindful exercise are excellent ways to bring your energies back into the present.

Take 5 minutes to do some mindful breathing and just imagine you are “re-collecting” your energy from all areas of your life: past-present-and future.

Sitting comfortably, feel that the strong center of your being is located at the very channel where the breath enters , nourishes and leaves the body.

This precious flow of energy is where you touch the soothing replenishment of spirit.

Imagine you are pulling your aura closer to you, fortifying your strength, concetrating your energy in the present moment.

Ground and center your energy through the core of your being right now.

Feel the ground beneath you.

Just be in that center of your body and observe for a few moments, feeling very connected to the ground.

Notice how there is a shift into clarity, presence and peace.

By restoring our whole connection to the mind-body and spirit, we restore our vitality and oneness with life.

Happy International Yoga Day,

With love and light, Amy

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